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The BIG Question

Is your person even Notable?

Steve Jobs was one of the most eminent people in the industry of technology the world has encountered. The amount of effort and the standards he set were clearly impressive, and the reason his technological inventions were so successful. The evolution of Apple, from a small business venture to now one of the biggest industries in the world is remarkable. Jobs’ story is incredible - from tech nerd to business entrepreneur. His life journey is full of adventure and creation. He is the sole reason that we have half of the devices we have today.   


So how is he so important? Is Steve Jobs even notable? Think about it. The phone is one of the things that we use in our daily lives, and without it we are lost. GPS, messages, games, it has helped many people around the world. He was the pioneer in many things that we now take for granted. We all use iPhones and other devices, and the person that we have to thank-Steve Jobs. Without the iPhone? We are lost. But thanks to Jobs, by revolutionizing the tech industry, the impossible, has been made the possible. But we never appreciate it, and I think that we need to know that the world without all of this would be a primitive world. The iPhone has reshaped our lives, and it was the pioneer of phones these days. Samsung, Huawei, Lenovo, Vivo, they all copied the iPhone, which is why the iPhone is so spectacular. The same goes for all of Apple's creations. The Macintosh for instance recreating the whole computer industry. So think about it. What would life have been without this amazing mastermind? But how did it all start? 


Back in the old days, he and Steve Wozniak, a good friend of his, tampered around with things, after they met, and worked together to make and achieve many things. Wozniak created the Blue Box in 1972, and it is now found in most iPhones today. It was a big breakthrough for the time that they lived in the techno world of Silicon Valley, that had all of the resources that they needed, and that was what helped them to be so successful. In 1976, Wozniak developed the first Apple I computer. Jobs thought that they should sell it, so Apple was incorporated,  and the Apple I was its first ever item on the market. Jobs, Wozniak and Ronald Wayne together were actually the founders of Apple, though later Wayne and Wozniak both left the company.   


So, a small company in the garage has become the biggest seller of phones, tablets, laptops, and many other things. There is no doubt that they are one of the biggest companies in the world today, and there are so many branches of them as well. And the mastermind behind this? Steve Jobs. Without him, a lot of the resources we use in our daily lives wouldn’t be here. He was the first person to create Multi touch. He was the first person to create the first GPS. Of course, there are always other people involved, but Jobs was the main man, always a contributor in Apple, never giving up, showing determination and drive.  


In around the 1970's, Jobs started accumulating masses of money. This was the case for a great many people in the company. According to Apple Explained, (2021). History of Steve Jobs-Documentary. Retrieved October 11 from, History of Steve Jobs (Full Documentary)  the company produced about 300 millionaires, which as you can think, is the most ever produced by a single company. He was the youngest person ever to make the Forbes list of the nation's richest people, and not only that, he did it just by himself, with no legacy given to him or any money or valuables. He was worth one million dollars at the age of twenty-three, and in two years, at the age of twenty- five, he was worth over two hundred and fifty million dollars. Considering he was such a young person, and how much money he made, this is definitely, without a doubt, notable.   


There were other things in his life that led to popularity and success. For a first, his keynote presentations were not only engaging but also interesting to watch. If you were to see any of them now, it would be one of the most engaging speeches ever, because he made them highly relatable, rather than just full of advanced tech words.   

Another reason may be because of the advertisements that Apple released. They were very catchy and occasionally very biased in a self-promoting way. But nevertheless, the company was still reigning as one of the biggest in the world.   

His leadership skills, helped him lead the whole company to success is definitely another very big reason of his, and his company's success. Without him, as we have already seen, the company would fall apart.  


Jobs didn’t always have life so easy. From a young age, he had hardships. When he was born, his parents gave him away to Paul and Clara Jobs because they were too young and they weren't married, but later she refused to sign the adoption papers. In school, he didn't like learning, and consequently, got suspended many times. He quit school, because he got bullied, and also because he skipped a grade because he was 'too smart for his age'. He gave his parents an ultimatum, saying that he will go to Reed college or he won't go to college whatsoever. His parents reluctantly gave in. But even in Reed, he didn't like attending the classes, so he quit and chose to attend the classes that he wanted to attend, and he says that if he weren't to take classes like calligraphy, then the Mac won't have a lot of the fonts it has today.   


Now, all of the fancy stuff, Multitouch, GUI, all of it wouldn't have been without Steve Jobs. But the reason that all of his creations are high quality? It is because he has high standards. Everything that he works on, he puts effort and quality into every one of them. The result that comes out? We've all seen it. The standard he sets for himself and the whole company.   


But still, how did he want to set the high standard? Some say it could have been influenced by his trip to India, and learning about the eastern world and seeing the people's lifestyle. He explored his spirituality, and underwent another changing. He saw the way of the Indian lifestyle, and said that 'The people in the Indian countryside don't use their intellect like we do, they use their intuition and their intuition is more developed than the world. Intuition is a very powerful thing, much more powerful than intellect in my opinion. That has had a big influence in my work.' He changed a lot of things, his appearance, and also experimented with psychedelics following his trip time in India. 


Another possible reason that Apple was so successful, is because of Jobs' leadership skills. When Jobs got fired, the company fell apart, because it was lacking leadership. Sculley, who took over from Jobs, wasn't good enough to lead the company, as he lacked Jobs’ ability to cope with demands and leadership skills, so the company fell apart.   


Steve Jobs is undoubtedly one of the most notable people of the new century. His innovations and use of bossy, demanding style is the sole reason of Apple's success. His speeches are inspiring, and his presentations are legendary. Known to the world as the creator of Apple, without him, we would be without a lot of stuff. Fonts, that we take for granted, and we barely notice. If it weren't for him, we would only have one font. Without him, it probably would have taken decades for someone to make something like the iPhone, that we now use as an everyday device, to help us communicate over distances, and to use in emergencies. His ways and methods, in times of depression, and rejection, he was to always rise up and take the better, and to work hard to achieve what he wanted. He has inspired me to work harder, to follow my dreams.   

'We're here to put a dent in the universe. Otherwise, why else be here?'

                                                -Steve Jobs

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