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Steve Jobs is the co-founder of Apple, and we all know that iPhones and iPods are now part of our lives. We require it to communicate with others, and to catch up on news. Think of the world without him. He is undoubtedly one of the most amazing people in the world, growing up in Silicon Valley, the heart of technology at the time. How Steve Jobs went from being a school boy interested in technology, to a young man of only 19 years of age working at Atari, and only 1 year later joining Steve Wozniak (another worker at Atari) in cofounding Apple, is a story that I wish to know about. 


We can easily say that Steve Jobs is one of the most notable people on earth, meeting an untimely death at the age of 56, the things he had accomplished through his life is just extraordinary. At only the age of 23, his net worth was 200 million (US) dollars! If that isn’t ‘notable’ enough, then I don’t know what is. How did he do this?  I’d certainly like to know. 


One of the things that makes Jobs on of the most notable people in the world is his presentations. Not only are they interesting to hear, but they are also visually appealing, so  you will never get bored. One of his most famous lines: ‘Today Apple reinvents the phone’. That day in 2007, it changed our lives. Revolutionizing the phone industry, he introduced the first ever iPhone was released, containing all the previous devices in one - the iPod, a phone, and the internet. Before that, we had the known ‘cell phones’. But Apple bringing iPhone to the show, it was a game changer. The first ever touch screen. iTunes. Video. Security. It was revolutionary. I’m curious to know where we would be without it. 


Okay, so maybe he is a tech nerd. But his life is very intriguing. Not only the things he accomplished but how he managed to accomplish them with all of the struggles around him. Maybe if he didn't grow up in Silicon Valley, then the iPhone would not be a thing. Can you believe that! No iPhones! I don't think I can survive! To many of us, 'essential' is the word when it comes to iPhones. They are like our pocket pal. We open it up to a world of possibilities. Videos, social media, emails, games, more. There is never a moment when you are bored on the iPhone.  


We spend half our lives using technology. Whether it is social media, or just to get you job done, we all use technology. 1 billion people use Apple devices worldwide, and that can easily show you how amazing Steve Jobs is. If it wasn’t for him, we’d still be using cell phones like blackberry or Nokia. There is so much to find out about Steve Jobs.  


'The only way to do great work is to love what you do'

                                             -Steve Jobs

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