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iPhone-1st generation

First released in 2007

The first ever iPhone released, it is what has built to iOS 15, and all of the iPhones that we now love. 

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Macintosh 128K

Released in 1984

The Macintosh is one of the most amazing computers (at the time) It is what has pioneered the computer industry. 


Apple Watch Series 1

Released in 2015

The Apple watch is one of the most high-tech watches in the world, and has reinvented the whole world of watches. 


Steve Jobs is one of the world's most well known person, especially for making Apple, the company that we all know and love today. 

CEO of Apple  (1976-2011)

Steve Jobs

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iPad-1st Generation

Released in 2010

The iPad is one of the best tablets that we use in our everyday lives. We use it as our notebook, our portable TV, and many other uses. 


Macintosh Portable

Released in 1989-ended in 1991. 

The Macintosh Portable is the beginning of laptops. It has made a computer more mobile and much better to use. 

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